Seth Simons is Not A Journalist


Seth Simons is Not A Journalist

Seth Simons is not a journalist. Anyone who cares about this saga he created between myself and his shameful attempt to shame me should know (By the way I’m fully aware no one cares). For the better part of 2 weeks Seth, who calls himself a comedy journalist, dug through my past to find about 5% of my work as a journalist that covered people, places and events in and around the vaccine and autism controversy. First and foremost a real journalist could make the distinction that I’m a non-story. You think someone who stumbles into a comedy club or someone who buys a ticket to see their favorite comedian is thinking about whether one of the owners once wrote articles about the link between vaccines and autism? The answer is no absolutely not. Another reason he’s not a journalist is, if he was one he would know that by asking me the question “do you believe vaccines cause autism” it would mean I’d be giving up my objectivity. Any journalist who wants to be trusted and have a future wants to remain objective. I’m not a journalist anymore. I retired from the world of journalism some 10 years ago, but I will say aside from negative columns about the New York Rangers and New York Jets I remained objective. So let’s do a quick dive in so I don’t all bore you to tears.Last week Seth wrote what he thought was an expose about me potentially being an anti-vaxxer and supporting the anti-vax movement. In the same expose he tried to discredit the work of award winning journalist David Kirby, formerly of the NY Times. Removing myself from this for a second because I know that Seth has it in for me and there’s an emotional reason for him coming after me — here’s a guy who has never worked for a major news outlet in his life and he’s trying to discredit two people that did more in one piece than he’s done in his whole career. That being said, you can challenge David Kirby’s book Evidence of Harm, you are more than allowed. Thats not what Seth did, he went after his career. A quick search of David Kirby leads you to hundreds of perfectly credible articles equipped with sources and quotes from subjects that show he is in fact a journalist. He’s written several books, one just last week optioned to become a tv series called Death at Sea World.

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