Poptimism, Neoliberalism, Bimbo Feminism, The Death of The Hipster, and The Goals of This Blog.
For the first real post on the new blog, rather than subjecting myself to something difficult that’d require a deft hand and mind to write about (the recent hostilities in Gaza and Israel), I’ve decided to write about a subject that’s a bit easier for me. What’s easier for me to write about is what’s naturally been on my mind for quite some time that’s already been something of an essay in my brain matter. That is, poptimism; but really de-evolutions in media culture to give into the audience.The tweet above is mocking what is becoming a part of a style of tik-tok social justice analysis known as “Bimbo feminism”. The post linked is mocking the tik-tok and the movement it belongs to, mocking I’m sympathetic to. To explain, Bimbo feminism is more or less what claims to be. Pop feminist analysis primarily done on social media platforms like Instagram and tik-tok that condescends to the intelligence of its audience. It’s been derided included by yours truly for maintaining problematic norms pertaining to the intelligence of women; namely their assumed lack of it. I don’t want to spend this whole essay on the rise of Bimbo Feminism as I view it to be a symptom of a wider sociological pathology; but obviously if you’re sympathetic to the goals of assisting more women enter high status fields that value intellect such as philosophy, math, the various physical sciences, law, political science, the fine arts, architecture, economics, international relations — you get the point; perpetuating gender stereotypes believed by the worst male chauvinists in academia are not in great service to that goal. A lot of feminist activists have already mentioned all this to the rise of not just Bimbo Feminism, but also to lazy girl feminism and the slippery slope to trad wifery it usually leads to. “How did we get from claiming that women could do anything, to these proud declarations women are too stupid to understand the complexities of an international crisis?” They ask. “Can’t these women all understand they’re 27 year old adults — not girls — and that their demands to be viewed unseriously are undoing years of progress their mothers fought for?” Is usually followed.