Steven Avery Is Guilty and There’s Evidence to Prove It
Ifyou aren’t watching Candace Owen’s Convicting a Murderer on Daily Wire + I do not know what you are doing with your life. And no, this isn’t some sponsored post. I am genuinely watching this series, and I’m really invested in it because it blew my mind to discover the actual facts of this case. Take everything you think you know about this case from watching Making a Murder on Netflix and throw it in the trash because that’s where it belongs. You have no idea who Steven Avery is and the kind of things he’s done over the course of his life. It’s actually insane that Netflix would even release the documentary while knowing the facts of this case. Steven Avery is actually guilty of killing Teresa Halbach and there’s a lot of evidence to prove it. Here’s what we now know.Teresa Halbach had actually been out to the Avery’s property prior to October 31st, 2005. She had previously gone out and taken photos of other cars that needed to be listed on Auto Trader. The reason this is important is that in Convicting a Murderer, you’ll learn that Steven created a new account under his sister Barb’s name and requested Teresa to come take a photo of the car on the day she “went missing.” When you’re watching Making a Murderer, they make it seem as if he didn’t know Teresa and had no ties to her whatsoever. This isn’t true at all. He specifically requested that she come to his property. When Teresa arrived at the Avery property, she immediately knew something was wrong when Steven came out to greet her, and she even texted someone about the “weird guy” she had to deal with.Another bombshell we learn during Convicting a Murderer is that Steven is actually guilty of molesting his own daughter and his 17-year-old niece. It’s apparently something that’s not a secret in the Avery family but for some reason, Netflix just forgot to leave that part out of the story.